Meaning and Purpose
- Learners who have completed a Grade 12 Certificate with a minimum of a Higher Certificate achievement should consider studying for a National Diploma at a TVET College.
- The Report 191 (Nated) N4 – N6 Programmes, also known as Alternative Post-school Programmes
Application Requirements
- Candidates must have a high school diploma (NSC)
- All four subjects in the specific field must be taken by new students.
- Enrollment in these programs is contingent on meeting the DHET’s prescriptive targets.
- Students must complete the required number of working hours in the relevant field of the industry before receiving a National Diploma (18 months / 2000 hours for semester programs and 24 months / 2670 hours for trimester programs).
REPORT 191 (N4-N6) Courses offered
- Legal Secretary
- Financial Management
- Business Management
- Marketing Management
- Human Resource Management
- Management Assistant
- Each subject covers a period of 6 months (Jan -Jun) or (Jul – Dec). 4 Subjects must be taken for each programme. Students who pass all the subjects will be issued with a National Certificate in the specific field of study.
- Certificates are issued by the National Department of Higher Education and Training in Pretoria, after completion of each level.
- After completing N6 and 18 months of relevant practical experience, students qualify for a National N-Diploma.
- National N Diplomas are approved and issued by the National Department of Higher Education and Training in Pretoria.
- Motor Mechanic
- Fitting
- Welding
- Electrical
Skills Programmes
- End User Computing EUC (NQF L2)
- International Computer Driving License (ICDL)
- Pastel Accounting
- Early Childhood Development
- Welding Skills Programme
Institute Of Certified Bookkeepers (ICB)
- National Certificate: Junior Bookkeeping (NQF L3)
- TVET Certificate: Senior Bookkeeping (NQF L4)
- Certificate: Junior Office Administration (NQF L5)
- Higher Certificate: Senior Office Administration (NQF L5)
- Diploma: Certified Office Manager (NQF L6)
- National Certificate: Public Sector Accounting (NQF L4)